You think many problems won't happen to your dog - that is, until they do. The other day I wrote to you about problems from the sun that can vary from sun burns to heat stroke. If you didn't read it, please read how to prevent heat stroke - I've seen several dogs needlessly die from heat stroke and it is easy to prevent. Find out how to keep your dog safe by reading these tips.
Today I want to make you aware of other summer dangers. There are several that are commonly seen in veterinary emergency rooms around the country. Quite common. Find out what they are and how you can prevent them.
P.S. One more thing - since we are talking about summer, there are several common poisonings that occur at this time of year. Find out what they are and how to prevent them. Go to:
Dealing with Excessive Barking
The first step to stopping barking is to understand why it is happening.
Dogs bark for all kinds of reasons, including anxiety, boredom and/or loneliness.