Saturday, 25 January 2014

Readers' Pet Photos (Jan 2014)

The PET FRIENDLY Canada Newsletter
For Pets and the People Who Love Them!

January 2014


Hello, Readers,

Don't pets make our lives so much brighter? Here is the
January installment of our readers' pet photos - furry
faces you can't help but love!

"I feel sorry for people who don't have dogs. I hear
they have to pick up their own food if they drop it
on the floor." (Author Unknown)

<A HREF="">See the photos</A>

Do you want to see your pet as one of our Featured Pets?
Email us a few photos!

See you next month,
Angela - Pet Friendly
On behalf of Rundle, Founding CEO (Chief Eating Officer)



The email address we have on record for you,
Readers, is:

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This newsletter is available by subscription only.

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To UNSUBSCRIBE: To remove yourself from future mailing,
please click the link below.


(c) Copyright 2014, Pet Friendly Canada. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, 10 January 2014

Jan 2014: Pet-Centric New Year's Resolution

The PET FRIENDLY Canada Newsletter
For Pets and the People Who Love Them!

January 2014


Happy New Year, Readers!

How about a New Year's Resolution to walk or exercise
your pet every day? It can be tough, no doubt: wintry
days, windy days, rainy days, or days that are too hot
make it less than enticing to go for a walk. Then there
are days where we're late and too rushed to walk the
dog before work, and too tired and cranky after work.
Exercising a pet doesn't have to a burden - even
shorter 'play' sessions or walks can be a lot of fun
and beneficial to your pet. Here's why exercise plays
such a big role in how good our pets feel:

<A HREF="">Exercise!</A>

Our next photos issue is coming out in two weeks...
so please send us your favourite pet photos. We never
tire of seeing the pets who share their lives with
our readers!

Angela - Pet Friendly
On behalf of Rundle, Founding CEO (Chief Eating Officer)



The email address we have on record for you,
Readers, is:

Did you enjoy this newsletter? Please tell a friend!
This newsletter is available by subscription only.

To SUBSCRIBE, please visit

To UNSUBSCRIBE: To remove yourself from future mailing,
please click the link below.


(c) Copyright 2014, Pet Friendly Canada. All Rights Reserved.