Hi! Long time, no "speak!" It's been a while since I've sent a newsletter, (I tend to only send them when I have actual news!), but I'd love to stay in touch! I've been working on several new projects and will have more news to share in the coming months. However, I'm changing e-mail services, so there's something I need you to do, please. It only takes a couple of seconds! PLEASE CLICK HERE TO RE-SUBSCRIBE to my occasional news.
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Just in case it's been SO long since we spoke, here's a reminder: I'm Lori Verni-Fogarsi (LoriTheAuthor), author of "Momnesia," "Unexpecting," "Everything You Need to Know About House Training Puppies & Adult Dogs," and "Ignite." I also offer small business consulting, keynote speeches, seminars, and other public speaking engagements, and website design. My website also features a Free Dog Training Library! |