Tuesday, 6 October 2009

What to Do if You Cut Your Dog's Nail Too Short (and it Bleeds)

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Dog Crazy Newsletter

Tuesday October 06, 2009    

What to Do if You Cut Your Dog's Nail Too Short (and it Bleeds)

Hi Readers,

Has this ever happened to you when you trim your dog's nails? You make the cut a little too deep and your dog yelps or flinches. Then the blood starts flowing. It can be pretty upsetting for your dog, and for you. It can also be frustrating when your dog runs away, leaving a trail of blood spots throughout the house (especially if you have carpeting).

It is not hard to cut the nail too short, which is also called "quicking". This is especially common in dogs with dark nails, but it can happen with any dog.

Believe it or not, torn and bleeding nails are common reasons dogs are brought into the veterinary emergency room.

So, what can you do when you accidentally cut the nail too short? There are some "tricks" that groomers and veterinarians use to stop bleeding. I'll share those tips with you today.

Here are the tricks to help stop the bleeding and minimize the mess.

1. Keep your dog in one spot - preferably on a surface that is easy to clean, such as tile or linoleum.  Otherwise, place a towel or newspaper under his injured paw quickly to minimize the mess.

2. Keep your dog as calm as possible. The more excited he is - the higher his blood pressure becomes and the more he will bleed.

3. Cover the paw with a clean towel or paper towel.

4. Isolate and dry off the nail then dip the nail in septic powder or flour. Gently and lightly pack the flour or powder into the bleeding nail surface.

5. If the bleeding doesn't stop, you can apply a temporary light bandage. You can use bandage material or even cover the paw with a sock. However, the best bet is using the flour or septic powder. Many times you have to reapply several times, but it will stop the bleeding.

A product called Kwik Stop is designed especially to stop bleeding when nails are cut too short. You can find it at most pet stores. The tiny container will last a very long time. It stops bleeding almost immediately.

We hope these tips help!

Until next time,

Dr. Jon

P.S. Another thing you can do to avoid this type of injury is to use a nail grinder. Nail grinders basically gently file down the nail in thin layers and they are a very nice alternative to clipping. We have tested several different nail grinders. We found one we liked but it didn't have as much torque as we wanted. Then we found another one that was good but expensive. Recently we found one called Gentle Paws that works really well, has very good torque and is reasonably priced. For more information, go to:  www.petproductadvisor.com/gentlepaws

P.P.S. The Gentle Paws nail grinder is being offered at a great price for the next 48 hours at PetProductAdvisor.com. But quantities are limited, so get yours before they're all gone. For more information, go to:  http://www.petproductadvisor.com/gentlepaws

Gentle Paws




Nail Trimming Problem

Did you overdo your dog's nail trim?

Bleeding toenails can often times be remedied with some household ingredients. A small amount of flour packed onto the end of the nail will often quell the bleeding.

Also try rubbing a bar of soap on the end of the nail for the same effect.

Nothing, however, beats having a stash of styptic powder, which you can buy at your local pet store or at your vet's office.

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