I came across a funny article this week that said, "The most common cause of home odors is pets".
Now I have to admit that when I first read this, it struck a chord. Have our beloved furry friends really come to have such a bad reputation ... as the single, smelliest thing in our homes???
I know they have their good days and their bad days, but surely there must be other home odors that are just as bad if not worse.
Well according to a recent poll, many pet owners have agreed that their pet is the main cause of odors in their home. Also on the list were a few other common odor problems:
1. Garbage
2. Cooking/food smells
3. Cigarette smoke
4. Dirty linens, clothing, shoes, carpets, etc.
5. Mildew and bacterial smells
6. Sewage smells from drainage
7. Dead rodents & pests
8. Dirty vents/poor ventilation
Luckily there is a solution for all of these odor problems ... and it's particularly effective for pet odors ... it's called ZERO ODOR and the name really says it all.
Zero Odor is a top-notch, pet-friendly odor removal system that attacks odor molecules so they can no longer cause odor. Other products just mask the odor temporarily. The great thing about this product is that it's safe on all surfaces: rugs, bedding, furniture, hardwood floors ... you can even spray it through the air as a freshener.
If you're dealing with home odors, particularly pet odors, I recommend giving Zero Odor a try. My staff and I love it and I know you will, too.
P.S. PetProductAdvisor.com is currently offering Zero Odor Cat Lovers Special for $3.00 off . You won't find this deal anywhere else! To learn more, go to: www.petproductadvisor.com/zero-odor-dog
Adding a New Pet to Your Home
Introducing a new pet to your household?
At the beginning make sure to feed the new member of the household in a separate location.
At least separate food bowls as much as possible for the first few days. Aside from love, food is everything to your pets.
So don't encourage ill will between future buddies with a too-close-for-comfort feeding time routine.
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